Browse the studies currently available and start wherever you desire.  

A study for those who are newly saved.  
Pastor Kevin Palmer
Learn 16 foundational truths from God’s Word to build your life on.  
Pastor Kevin Palmer
Learn how to be spiritually strong by applying spiritual disciplines to your life.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
This course will get you on the path to being a person who knows how to pray effectively.  
Pastor Kevin Palmer
In this course, learn how to live a victorious life as you learn how to walk in Bible faith.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
Understanding  the Biblical meaning of salvation and how a person can be born again.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
A study on  the Promise of the Father that empowers the church to be witnesses.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
You don’t have to live battling sickness and disease.  Learn how to encounter divine healing and how to walk in divine health.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
In this study, you will learn about a coming event when Christ will catch away His  church.  Are you ready?
Pastor Kevin Palmer
You can know whether or not the Bible can be trusted.  This course will answer common questions people have about the Bible.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
Learn how to study the Bible and get the most out of it.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
In this study, you will learn who you really are as a child of God – You’re true identity!
Pastor Kevin Palmer
This course will teach you Biblical principles on what our attitude should be towards money and how to handle it.
                                                                          Pastor Kevin Palmer
In this study, you will learn practical insight in how to effectively reach people for Christ.
Pastor Kevin Palmer & Others

This course will teach you why the local church is so important.
  Pastor Kevin Palmer
This study will teach you key principles from God’s Word that will help you to walk in victory in your finances.
Pastor Kevin Palmer
This study will explore the topic of how God has called us to live holy lives and what it means to live holy
Pastor Jim Palmer